AI Functions For Google Sheets
This function generates text based on the provided prompt and temperature setting. The prompt is your input text that guides the AI's response. Be specific and clear in your instructions. The temperature controls the randomness of the output, where 0 is more deterministic and 1 is more creative. The default temperature is 0.5.
Example: =GPT("Tell me a story about a brave knight", 0.7)
This function generates text based on the provided prompt, temperature setting, and whether to include citations. The prompt should be your research question or topic. Be specific to get more relevant results. The temperature controls the output's diversity, and the citation parameter (true/false) determines whether to include citations in the generated content.
Example: =research("Explain quantum physics", 0.7, true)
This function condenses a long piece of text into a shorter summary. The input text can be multiple paragraphs or even a full article.
Example: =summarize("Your long text here")
Example: =tags("Your text here", "fruits, veggies")
This function applies user-provided tags to the given text. The text can be a sentence, paragraph, or longer piece of content. The tags should be a comma-separated list of keywords you want to apply to the text.
Example: =tags("Your text here", "technology, science, future")
This function analyzes the sentiment of the text based on user-provided sentiments. The text can be a sentence, paragraph, or longer piece of content. The sentiments parameter is optional and defaults to "positive, negative" if not specified. You can provide a comma-separated list of sentiments to analyze for.
Example: =sentiment("Your text here", "happy, sad, angry")
This function makes changes to the text based on a user-provided task. The text can be a sentence, paragraph, or longer piece of content. The task parameter is optional and defaults to "fix spelling and grammar" if not specified. You can provide any editing instruction as the task.
Example: =edit("Your text here", "make it funnier")
This function pulls specific information from the text based on user-provided criteria. The text can be a sentence, paragraph, or longer piece of content. The extraction parameter specifies the type of information to extract (e.g., "name", "date", "location").
Example: =extract("", "name")
Workflow Copilot for Google Sheets
The Workflow Copilot is a powerful tool designed to help you create step-by-step workflows to help you tackle complex spreadsheet tasks, learn new spreadsheet techniques, and be more productive!
To use the Workflow Copilot:
Navigate to the "Workflow Copilot" tab in the Sheety Add-On sidebar.
In the text area, describe the task you want to accomplish. Be as specific as possible, including relevant cell references or ranges.
Click the "Generate" button.
The Copilot will provide you with a detailed, step-by-step workflow to accomplish your task.
Example task: "I want to find the sum of the 5 largest values in cells A1:A25"
The Workflow Copilot will generate a series of steps, potentially including formulas, to guide you through the process of accomplishing your task. Each step will be presented in a collapsible section, allowing you to focus on one part of the workflow at a time.
Tips for using the Workflow Copilot:
Be specific in your task description.
Include cell references or ranges when relevant.
For complex tasks, consider breaking them down into smaller subtasks.
Use the generated workflow as a guide, and feel free to adapt it to your specific needs.